Oxyvet 200 LA Antibiotic:
A Brighter Future for Nepal
University of Guelph

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Nepal is a small country in South Asia landlocked between China to the North and India to surrounding the country to the South, East, and West (Chapagain, 2016). Nepals population is 28 million, and compared to its land mass, has a high population density (Champaign, 2016). The country can be divided into three geographic regions; the Mountains, the Hills, and the Terai region (Chapagain, 2016). Depending on what section one lives in, the family may be subsistence crop farmers rather than livestock producers, or both (Chapagain, 2016). According to the Directorate of Animal Health, in Kathmandu Nepal, it is reported that, in 2014, ten and a half percent of cattle and goats were affected by leptospirosis (Vijay, 2015). The antibiotic could be used to treat the rising cases of this disease as it is clearly a problem for livestock farmers in Nepal. In addition to this, outputs could be increased. If outputs such as milk and meat are increased, Nepalese farmers may be able to have enough to feed their own family as well as create a surplus in order to sell their animal products. Another benefit to this would be that Nepal would be moving a step forward in more newer technological innovations in the animal livestock subsectors. According to the GARP- Nepal National Working group, many people in Nepal, especially rural areas, have little to no access to antibiotics, let alone livestock (Antibiotic Use and Resistance in Nepal, 2015). This Nepalese organization has conducted research on livestock animals and has concluded that bacterial infections such as mastitis are major bacterial diseases in Nepalese cows (Basnyat et al, 2015). The objective is to ship this moderate to low cost product (approx. 20-38 CAD) to Nepal in order to boost their economy by empowering the subsistence farmer in order to increase outputs and create more profit for the farmer.
Outputs in Nepal
1622 (Metric Tons)
287 (Metric Tons)
587 (kg)
(Chapagain, 2016)

(IRIN, 2013)